Improve gun crontrol for everyne will be protected. Everyone has to be protected because anyone could just come to you and probally steal from you. Also if someone is rubbing your house you will need to protect it but you don’t know how many people are going to rub your house and you will be rub. So if you had a gun you could just scared them away but if its nessecery you will shot. Gun control is a good thing because it could protect your family and your house. Like you could be watching you kids and you will know there protected because your there and you have a gun to protect him.
We need to improve gun control to eliminate crime. We need to aprove it because if crime keeps going then there will be a lot of people wonded and a lot of people killed. People should have gun control for they could be less crime in the streets. If everyone had a gun and they were in a store or bank, but no one is going to rub the bank or the store because the rubber will know that usually everyone will have guns so he won’t do anything. He won’t because maybe everyone that have a gun will point at him and he won’t do anything. Like Example Texas have the Gun Control To Eliminate Crime and they have the less crime in the United states.
So we should have gun control to eliminate crime because it will protect your family. It could protect your family by you scaring peope that you have a gun and they will just run. Also people won’t rub a lot of banks or store. They wont because they will know probally everyone has a gun so they wont take that chance. So we need to improve it like Taxas because Texas have the less crime in the United Sates.
jaxc Tidak ada entri. Mulai nge-blog!
10 years ago